Najah Relief and Development Organization

Call Us

+252 61 535 3858
+252 61 542 7470


Maka Al-Mukarama Road, Tre-Piano, Hodon District, Mogadishu – Somalia.

Working Hours

09.00 AM - 05.00 PM

Emergency Response


Emergency Response

our unwavering commitment to vulnerable communities is never more evident than in our emergency response efforts. In the face of crises, we recognize the pressing need to act swiftly and decisively. Our primary objective in these critical moments is crystal clear: to provide immediate relief to those facing the direst of circumstances.


 We understand all too well the urgency of addressing the fundamental human needs that become starkly pronounced during times of adversity—hunger, thirst, and the need for basic supplies to sustain life. In these moments, we do not hesitate; we mobilize our resources and our dedicated team to respond swiftly to the cries for help from those in distress.

Our approach is rooted in compassion and a deep sense of responsibility. We know that time is of the essence, and so we act with a sense of urgency that matches the gravity of the situation. Our teams work tirelessly to ensure that emergency food, clean water, and essential supplies reach the hands of those who need them most.

Through the distribution of emergency food, we provide sustenance to those who may otherwise go hungry. Our provision of clean water addresses a fundamental human right and helps mitigate the devastating impact of waterborne diseases. Basic supplies such as shelter materials, blankets, and hygiene kits offer comfort and protection to those who have been displaced and are grappling with the harsh realities of displacement.

Our ultimate aim is to alleviate the suffering that accompanies crises and to ensure the well-being of vulnerable communities. We understand that a helping hand extended in these moments of despair can make all the difference. It is our solemn duty and privilege to be that source of assistance, to provide a lifeline when it is needed most.

Our ultimate aim is to alleviate the suffering that accompanies crises and to ensure the well-being of vulnerable communities. We understand that a helping hand extended in these moments of despair can make all the difference. It is our solemn duty and privilege to be that source of assistance, to provide a lifeline when it is needed most.