Najah Relief and Development Organization

Call Us

+252 61 535 3858
+252 61 542 7470


Maka Al-Mukarama Road, Tre-Piano, Hodon District, Mogadishu – Somalia.

Working Hours

09.00 AM - 05.00 PM

Where We Work


Where We Work

Najah Relief and Development Organization (NRDO) operates across various regions in Somalia, each with its unique set of challenges and opportunities. Our presence and activities span the following areas:

NRD’s presence in these diverse regions of Somalia is driven by our commitment to addressing the most pressing humanitarian and development needs. Through strategic programs tailored to each area, we aim to empower communities, foster self-sufficiency, and contribute to long-term stability and prosperity. Our approach is rooted in the principle of working closely with local authorities, beneficiaries, and partners to design and deliver context-specific solutions that bring about positive change.

Banadir Regional Administration:

Banadir Regional Administration is a key area of operation for NRDO. Our headquarters are located here, allowing us to oversee and coordinate our operations in the surrounding districts, including Hodan, Waberi, and Hamar Weyne. These districts often host large populations of internally displaced people (IDPs), and our programs focus on providing humanitarian assistance, vocational training, and food distribution to vulnerable families residing in these areas.

Galmudug State:

Communities in Galmudug State, particularly in cities like Dhusamareb and Adado, continue to feel the impact of conflict and climate-related stresses. NRDO is committed to addressing the needs of these communities through core program areas that include livelihood support, such as livestock restocking, to help them rebuild their lives.

Southwest State:

Baidoa and Burkahaba in Southwest State are priority locations for NRDO. Our programs in this region extend from emergency aid to rehabilitation support, such as vocational skills training and well-repair initiatives. We aim to contribute to the recovery and self-sufficiency of the communities in this area.

Puntland State:

In Puntland State, our focus lies on supporting IDPs in major hubs like Garowe and Galkayo. Additionally, marginalized groups in coastal regions receive our outreach efforts, which encompass health services, business grants, and clean water interventions. We aim to improve the well-being of these communities and ensure access to essential resources.

Hirshabelle State:

Within Hirshabelle State, our efforts are directed toward rebuilding initiatives through infrastructure projects. We also provide training and start-up kits for returnees, with a strong presence around cities like Jowhar and Mahas. Our programs aim to improve the living conditions and prospects for those returning to their communities.

Jubaland State:

Kismayo, Luuq, and Gedo are regions in Jubaland State where immediate assistance is in high demand. NRDO intervenes by providing food aid distribution to flood and drought-affected households and by repairing community assets, such as water sources. Our efforts are directed towards mitigating crises and helping communities recover.


While maintaining its independence, NRDO seeks opportunities for partnership in Somaliland, particularly when needs arise among vulnerable nomadic groups across various regions. Our goal is to offer support in response to specific challenges faced by these communities.

SSC Khatumo State

In the regions of Sool, Sanaag, and Ceyn, communities are emerging from the shadows of conflict, and the establishment of a new government is on the horizon. These areas have endured the profound impact of warfare, leaving scars and stress among the affected populations. It is our steadfast commitment to provide unwavering support to these regions, assisting them in their journey towards recovery and stability.