Najah Relief and Development Organization

Call Us

+252 61 535 3858
+252 61 542 7470


Maka Al-Mukarama Road, Tre-Piano, Hodon District, Mogadishu – Somalia.

Working Hours

09.00 AM - 05.00 PM

Health and Nutrition


Health and Nutrition

In the pursuit of our mission at Najah Relief and Development Organization (NRDO), we place the utmost importance on the health and nutrition of vulnerable communities. We firmly believe that good health is the foundation upon which individuals and communities can thrive, and we are committed to ensuring access to quality healthcare and nutrition resources for all.

Our work in the health and nutrition sector encompasses a comprehensive range of initiatives aimed at improving the well-being of those we serve. We prioritize the establishment and operation of health centers and clinics, ensuring that communities have access to essential medical services. Our goal is to make healthcare accessible, affordable, and of high quality, particularly in underserved and conflict-affected regions.

Nutrition plays a critical role in overall health and development, especially for children and mothers. We are dedicated to addressing malnutrition and providing nutritional support to vulnerable populations. Our programs include the distribution of therapeutic foods, nutritional education, and growth monitoring to ensure that individuals, particularly children, receive the nourishment they need to thrive.

Furthermore, we are proactive in promoting preventive healthcare measures and awareness. We conduct health campaigns and education initiatives to empower communities with knowledge about disease prevention, hygiene practices, and family planning. We believe that informed communities are better equipped to make health-conscious decisions for themselves and their families.

In addition to addressing immediate health needs, we are committed to building healthcare infrastructure and capacity. We provide training for healthcare professionals, ensuring that they have the skills and knowledge to provide effective care to their communities.

Gender equality is a core principle guiding our work in the health and nutrition sector. We prioritize the unique health needs of women and girls, advocating for their access to reproductive health services and promoting maternal and child health.