Najah Relief and Development Organization

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+252 61 535 3858
+252 61 542 7470


Maka Al-Mukarama Road, Tre-Piano, Hodon District, Mogadishu – Somalia.

Working Hours

09.00 AM - 05.00 PM

Our Governance Structure


Our Governance Structure

Najah Relief and Development Organization (NRDO) has put in place a robust governance structure that serves as the foundation for our operations, ensuring effective leadership, management, and oversight. Within this structure, each role plays a pivotal part in advancing our mission and ensuring the efficient delivery of our programs.

At the helm of our organization is the Executive Director, who serves as the visionary leader of NRDO. This key figure is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organization and overseeing its overall success. They provide inspirational leadership, guidance, and oversight to our entire team, ensuring that NRD remains steadfast in upholding our mission and vision. Additionally, the Executive Director represents NRDO in external partnerships, engages with donors and stakeholders, and actively participates in fundraising efforts to support our vital programs.

The Program Manager is another critical component of our governance structure. This role is instrumental in the planning, implementation, and management of NRD’s diverse range of programs and projects. Collaborating closely with various teams and partners, the Program Manager ensures that program objectives are not only met but exceeded. They are responsible for the effective allocation of resources and the efficient execution of program activities.

The Program Manager is another critical component of our governance structure. This role is instrumental in the planning, implementation, and management of NRD’s diverse range of programs and projects. Collaborating closely with various teams and partners, the Program Manager ensures that program objectives are not only met but exceeded. They are responsible for the effective allocation of resources and the efficient execution of program activities.

Moreover, the Program Manager continuously monitors program progress, evaluates outcomes, and makes necessary adjustments to ensure that NRDO fulfills its mission effectively. The Operations manager plays a vital role in overseeing the day-to-day operations of NRD. Their responsibilities encompass ensuring the smooth and efficient functioning of our activities, even in challenging environments. This includes the critical management of logistics, procurement, and supply chain operations to guarantee that essential resources and materials are readily available for our programs.

Our commitment to accountability and program quality is embodied by the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. This role is responsible for assessing the impact of our programs and ensuring a high level of accountability in our operations. They develop and implement robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks, collect and analyze data, and provide invaluable insights that lead to continuous improvements in program quality.

The Accountant manages NRDO’s financial resources, ensuring that funds are allocated and utilized in alignment with our mission and objectives. Their meticulous attention to detail includes maintaining comprehensive financial records, preparing budgets, and furnishing financial reports for both internal and external stakeholders. The Accountant is a key player in upholding transparency and accountability in our financial operations.