Najah Relief and Development Organization

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+252 61 535 3858
+252 61 542 7470


Maka Al-Mukarama Road, Tre-Piano, Hodon District, Mogadishu – Somalia.

Working Hours

09.00 AM - 05.00 PM

Food Security and Livelihoods


Food Security and Livelihoods

At Najah Relief and Development Organization (NRDO), we recognize that food security and livelihoods are intertwined with the well-being and resilience of communities in Somalia. Our work in this sector is grounded in the belief that access to adequate food, income-generating opportunities, and sustainable livelihoods are essential for individuals and families to lead dignified and self-reliant lives.

Food Security

In the realm of food security, we prioritize the immediate and long-term nutritional needs of vulnerable populations. We work tirelessly to ensure that individuals and families have reliable access to nutritious food, particularly in regions affected by conflict, poverty, and climate-related crises. Our initiatives include emergency food distributions, food assistance programs, and nutritional support for children and mothers.

We also understand that sustainable food security involves more than just providing meals. It requires addressing the root causes of food insecurity and building communities’ capacity to produce, store, and access food. We promote agricultural development, support small-scale farmers, and invest in initiatives that enhance food production and resilience to climate shocks.


Empowering individuals with the means to generate income and support their families is a central focus of our work in the livelihoods sector. We offer vocational training in marketable skills such as carpentry, sewing, mechanics, beauty salon services, and more. By equipping individuals with these skills, we enable them to pursue sustainable livelihoods and break the cycle of poverty.

Supporting small business start-ups and micro-enterprise development is another key aspect of our livelihood programs. We provide guidance, training, and financial assistance to budding entrepreneurs, fostering economic independence and self-sufficiency within communities.

Moreover, we understand the importance of basic infrastructure in supporting livelihoods. We invest in the construction and rehabilitation of critical community infrastructure such as water wells and health centers, which not only improve the quality of life but also create opportunities for economic development.